AI Goals and Corners Prediction User Guide

AI Goals and Corners Prediction User Guide

  • 2626
  • Wersje

FootballAnt provides predictions for the number of goals and corners in football matches, including pre-match predictions for the number of goals and corners, and predictions for the number of goals and corners in ongoing matches. However, not all matches have predictions for the number of goals and corners. We will calculate matches that meet the prediction conditions (matches with sufficient historical data) in real time.

How to access predictions for the number of goals and corners on the APP:

  • In the Games list, click the match you are interested in, and then click the "Prediction" button after entering the match details page to view all AI predictions for this match, including predictions for the number of goals and corners.

How to access predictions for the number of goals and corners on the website:

  • In the Games list, click the match you are interested in, and then click the "Prediction" button after entering the match details page to view all AI predictions for this match, including predictions for the number of goals and corners.

Explanation of the data for the number of goals and corners:

Goal prediction

  • HT: Half-time goal prediction

  • FT: Full-time goal prediction

  • Pre-match tips: The number of goals predicted before the match based on historical match data, league historical data, etc. This data is calculated before the match starts.

  • In-play tips: The number of goals predicted for the ongoing match based on the current match situation, such as the goals scored by both teams, ball possession, shots, and attack and defense trends.

  • Live score: The actual score of the current match.

Corner prediction

  • HT: Half-time corner prediction

  • FT: Full-time corner prediction

  • Pre-match tips: The number of corners predicted before the match based on historical match data, league historical data, etc. This data is calculated before the match starts.

  • In-play tips: The number of corners predicted for the ongoing match based on the current match situation, such as the corners awarded to both teams, ball possession, shots, and attack and defense trends.

  • Live corner: The actual number of corners in the current match.

General goal and corner predictions are calculated as a range.

For example:

  • A half-time goal prediction of 0.35~2.01 indicates that the number of goals is between 0.35 and 2.01, i.e., the number of goals is 1 or 2.

  • A full-time corner prediction of 10.23~18.93 indicates that the total number of corners is between 10.23 and 18.93.