Denmark Cup 2023: Kompleksowy przewodnik po harmonogramie, standardach, wynikach i asystach


Dane Ligi

Stosunek:Pełne, półgodzinne, domowe i niepełne dane z różnych sezonów.

Dane dopasowania:Dane historyczne dopasowania dla różnych sezonów, łącznie z wynikami, nieparzystami, rogami, utrudnieniami, widniejącymi na górze i pod nimi, czerwonymi i żółtymi kartkami oraz innymi szczegółami żywego meczu.

Dane gracza piłki nożnej:Rekordy gracza, w tym zdobyte cele, czyste arkusze i fragmenty.

O Denmark Cup

The Danish Cup is divided into 7 rounds. The 1st Division teams will participate in the first round, while the Superligaen teams will participate in the top 32. The semi-finals adopt a two-round home and away elimination system. If the total number of goals in the two rounds is the same, the away goal is counted. If it is still the same, an extra time will be taken and then the penalty kick until the winner is determined. The remaining matches will be eliminated by a tiebreaker. If there is a tie for 90 minutes, an extra time will be taken and then the penalty kick until the winner is determined. The final will be played in the neutral position. The champion directly advances to the first round of the Europa League play-offs. If the Danish Cup champion obtains a better European seat through the league, the places will be extended.